List of Publications
Lavee, Einat (2022). The Hidden Tier of Social Services: Frontline Workers’ Provision of Informal Resources in the Public, Nonprofit and Private Sectors. Elements series in Public and Nonprofit Administration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lavee, Einat and Cohen, Galia. (Forthcoming). "Street-level bureaucrats’ perceptions of ‘the job’: Deviation from professional particularities and micro creation of public value". Public Administration.
Lavee, Einat and Kuronen, Marjo. (Forthcoming). “Between choice and coercion? The processes of increased economic vulnerability among older workers”. Journal of Aging & Social Policy.
Lavee, Einat. (2023). “Are public sector organizations still relevant for poverty reduction? Frontline workers’ personal resources and the centrality of trust.” Current Sociology.
Lavee, Einat & Guy, Itzchakov (2023). “Good listening: A key element in establishing quality in qualitative research”, Qualitative Research, 23 (3), 614-631
Atrash, Afnan, Lavee, Einat, Wilkis, Ariel and Strier, Roni. (2022). “Lone Motherhood, Poverty and the Meaning of Money.” Affilia- Journal of Women and Social Work.
Lavee, Einat and Kaplan, Amit (2022).“Invisible Work at Work and the Persistence of Gender Inequality in Organizations.” Gender, Work & Organization. 29 (5), 1463-1480
Lavee, Einat, Meler, Tal and Shamshoum, Madlen (2022). “Dangerous Vulnerability: Simultaneous Prohibition and Coercion in Palestinian-Israeli Single Mothers’ Relationships with Men”, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 39 (4), 953-973
Lavee, Einat. (2022). “Changes in State Responsibility for Citizens: The Phenomenon of Personal Resources Provided by Social Services Providers to their Clients.” Israeli Sociology.
Lavee, Einat (2022). “Hybrid Entitlement: Welfare Recipients’ Perceptions of Entitlement to Social Rights”, Journal of Social Policy.
Lavee, Einat, Dallal, Edlin & Strier, Roni (2022). “Noncitizenship and Economic Exclusion: An Intersectionality Theoretical Perspective”, Journal of Family Issues.
Lavee, E. (2022). Walking the Talk of Social Equity? Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Decisionmaking About the Provision of Personal Resources. The American Review of Public Administration, 52(1), 3-14.
Levanon, Asaf, Lavee Einat and Strier, Roni (2021). “Explaining the Factors Shaping the Likelihood of Poverty among Working Families by Using a Concurrent Mixed Method Design”, Social Indicators Research 157(3), 1089-1109.
Lavee, Einat & Megged, Amos (2021). "Learning from Poor Single Women’s Autonomous Households in Mexico in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries", The History of the Family 26:2, 288-312.
Lavee, Einat (2021). ״Who’s in charge? The provision of informal personal resources at the street level״, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 31 (1): 4-20.
Lavee, Einat. (2020). “Low-income breadwinning Israeli mothers negotiating economic survival: The exchange of sex for material resources”, in: Kuronen, Marjo et al., (eds.), Women, vulnerabilities and welfare service systems. Routledge.
Lavee, Einat & Pindek, Shani (2020). "The Costs of Customer Service Citizenship Behaviors: A Qualitative Study", Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 460.
Nouman, Hani, Levin, Lia & Lavee, Einat (2020). "Working through barriers: Shaping social workers’ engagement in policy practice", British Journal of Social Work, 50 (4): 1107-1125.
Lavee, Einat & Strier, Roni (2019). “Transferring emotional capital as coerced discretion: Street-level bureaucrats reconciling structural deficiencies”, Public Administration, 97 (4): 910-925.
Lavee, Einat & Cohen, Nissim (2019). "How street-level bureaucrats become policy entrepreneurs: The case of urban renewal in Israel", Governance: An International Journal of Policy and Administration, 32 (3): 475-492.
Lavee, Einat, Cohen, Nissim & Nouman, Hanni (2018). "Reinforcing Public Responsibility? Influences and Practices in SLBs’ Engagement in Policy Design", Public Administration 96 (2): 333-348.
Lavee, Einat (2018). "The Ideal of 'Good Motherhood' under Changing Social Policies amongst Mothers Living in Poverty", Social Security 103: 93-112 (Hebrew).
Lavee, Einat & Strier, Roni (2018). “Social Workers' Emotional Labour with Families in Poverty: Neoliberal Fatigue?” Child and Family Social Work, 23 (3): 504-512.
Lavee, Einat, Fogiel-Bijaoui, Silvia and Benjamin, Orly (2018). "Introduction to the Special Issue", Social Security103: 5-25 (Hebrew).
Lavee, Einat & Benjamin, Orly (2017). “Between Social Rights and Human Rights: Israeli Mothers’ Right to be Protected from Poverty and Prostitution”, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 48 (3): 315-326.
Lavee, Einat (2017). "Care Work as Shaping Low-income Mothers’ Survival Strategies in Consumer Society." In: Brayer-Garev, Rona, Ulmert, Dana, Kazzin, Orna and Yofi Tirrosh (Eds). Capitalism and Gender, Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Lavee, Einat (2017). “Low-Income Women’s Encounters with Social Services: Negotiation over Power, Knowledge and Respectability”, British Journal of Social Work, 47 (5): 1554-1571.
Lavee, Einat (2016). "The Neoliberal Mom: How Discursive Coalitions Shape Low-Income Mothers’ Labor Market Participation", Community, Work and Family, 19 (4): 501-518.
Lavee, Einat & Benjamin, Orly (2016). ""I've got no Choice": Low-Income Mothers' Emotional Management of Caring Crisis", Journal of Family Issues, 37 (7): 997-1021.
Lavee, Einat (2016). "Exchanging Sex for Material Resources: Reinforcement of Gender and Oppressive Survival Strategy”, Women’s Studies International Forum, 56: 83-91.
Lavee, Einat & Benjamin, Orly (2015)."Working-Class Mothers' School Involvement: A Class-Specific Maternal Ideal?", The Sociological Review 63: 608-625.
Lavee, Einat & Offer, Shira (2012). "“If You Sit and Cry No One Will Help You”: Understanding Perceptions of Worthiness and Social Support Relations among Low-Income Women under a Neo-Liberal Discourse", The Sociological Quarterly 53:374-393.
Book Chapters
Lavee, Einat. (2020). “The Exchange of Sex for Material Resources”, In: Kuronen, Marjo et al., (Eds.), Women, Vulnerabilities and Welfare Service Systems. Routledge.
Lavee, Einat. (2017). "Care Work as Shaping Low-income Mothers’ Survival Strategies in Consumer Society." In: Brayer-Garev, Rona, Ulmert, Dana, Kazzin, Orna and Yofi Tirrosh (Eds). Capitalism and Gender, Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Lavee, Einat. (2022). "Between inclusive leadership and excluding practices: Leaders’ encouragement of extra-role engagement among frontline social services providers." Academy of Management Proceedings.